Erin Aurelia is the author of The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation.

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About The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation

What is flametending, and how can a simple devotional practice be engaged with as a transformational spiritual path? The devotional practice of flametending for Irish Goddess and Christian St. Brighid, traditionally kept once every twenty days, can become a daily spiritual practice for transformation when combined with twenty spiritual inquiries based on the twenty characters of the tree ogham as an inner journey of reflection. Brighid is a goddess of the fires that transform ore into tools, plants into medicine, and inspiration into poetry. Through guided meditations, energy work, contemplation, and journaling, you will learn how to open yourself to Brighid so her torch of illumination can guide you in transforming your fear and pain into power and joy! You will also discover how Brighid can walk with you through the seasonal cycle of the year and bless your personal endeavors. Let Brighid become your daily companion so her light can lead you to wisdom and wholeness.


Praise for The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation

In The Torch of Brighid, Erin Aurelia - founder of the Daughters of Brighid Flametending Order - lays out a comprehensive devotional practice that synthesises several streams of traditional Irish wisdom to craft an innovative approach to flametending. Using the energies of the ogham alphabet as a guide to the vigil cycle of flametending, and integrating workings inspired by authentic Irish lore - including The Three Cauldrons of "The Cauldron of Poesy" and traditional prayers in honor of Brighid -  this unique system shines with the illumination of Imbas, as is fitting for a spiritual practice intended to facilitate an ever-deepening relationship with Brighid, Irish Goddess of poetry, healing, and creativity. While this book is of particular benefit to the solitary practitioner who feels drawn to the work of tending Brighid's perpetual flame, the process outlined therein is complementary to other forms of flametending as well. Like a brilliant spark from Brighid's hammer, The Torch of Brighid forges a neoteric practice that both honors and is inspired by tradition.

 - Jhenah Telyndru (MA, Celtic Studies), author of Pagan Portals - Rhiannon: Divine Queen of the Celtic Britons, and Pagan Portals - Blodeuwedd: Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty, Avalon Within, The Mythic Moons of Avalon, and The Avalonian Oracle.

“As a devotee of Brighid and a flame tender for over thirty years, I was very happy to read this book. Erin Aurelia provides a beautiful, inspiring, and useful step-by-step guide to a devotional practice to the Goddess Brighid. She also offers an interesting new take on the Ogham fews which will be of interest even to those who have worked with Ogham before. Highly recommended.

— Ellen Evert Hopman, author of A Legacy of Druids - Conversations with Druid Leaders of Britain, the USA and Canada, Past and Present; A Druid’s Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine; the Druid trilogy of novels including Priestess of the Fire Temple - a Druid’s Tale, and other volumes

The Torch of Brighid is a fascinating and illuminating read. The path Erin Aurelia lays out, guided and inspired by the much-beloved goddess Brighid, offers wisdom, healing and spiritual transformation. Starting out on this journey has added new depth to my personal flametending practice and enriched my connection with Brighid. The guided meditations are beautifully written, and Aurelia’s poetry simply shines.”

— Katrina Townsend, author of The Anti-consumerist Druid

“The Torch of Brighid shines a new light on a path that many modern seekers of Brighid will feel drawn to pursue. In her book, Erin Aurelia presents an approach to Brighid that while modern in its form of expression, is inspired by authentic Irish traditions and lore surrounding the goddess and saint. This inspired practice merges various devotional forms, including – in a unique and innovative way – a weaving of the twenty feda of tree ogham with the twenty days of the flame-tending cycle for Bighid. The Torch of Brighid is a beacon to a path that encourages both connecting to Irish traditions and a syncretic blending of them into a cohesive personal practice suited to seekers of Brighid from every culture around the world.”

— Daniela Simina, author of Where Fairies Meet: Parallels between Irish and Romanian Fairy Traditions.



James Nichol, author of Contemplative Druidry: People, Practice and Potential, reviewed my book on his blog, CONTEMPLATIVEINQUIRY: “Her book is a powerful addition to the growing literature about Brighid as a much loved Goddess.”

Book Reviewer Julie Summers reviewed my book on Midwest Book Review: “Fascinating, informative, thought-provoking, and thoroughly 'reader friendly' in tone, commentary, and presentation . . . singularly impressive.”


Interviews, Media, and Articles

Erin Aurelia was part of the Brighid Panel on MoonCon21 in June 2021

Erin Aurelia’s poem, “What She Speaks When I Tend Her Flame,” which is also featured in The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation, was published in Mael Brigde’s online poetry journal, Stone on the Belly, in January 2022

Erin Aurelia was interviewed by ev0ke magazine in May 2023

Erin Aurelia wrote an article for the Beltane 2023 issue of Myddle Earth Magazine: Flametending for Brighid: A Devotion and a Path, published by Pagan Federation Mid-West and Wales.


Erin Aurelia has tended Brighid's Flame for over twenty years.

She is the founder of the Daughters of Brighid flametending order, which she managed for eight years. Her writing has been featured in the Moon Books anthology, Paganism 101: Paganism from 101 Pagans, and in two anthologies from Goddess Ink, Brigit: Sun of Womanhood, and Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology of Priestesses.


Amazon Author Page

On Facebook at Erin Aurelia, Author

Facebook group, The Torch of Brighid.


Click HERE to listen to the Sisterhood of Avalon interview Erin about The Torch of Brighid: Flametending for Transformation on their facebook page as part of their Books, Bards, and Ballads interview series.